

We all have dreamed about being famous at least once, right? But, have you ever thought about where would you go on vacation if you were a Kenyan celebrity? Would you choose…

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20 Exciting Kenyan Festival Photos

“Reach for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud,” Says Kanye in his song “Homecoming”. We have collected amazing event and festival photos from Kenyan festivals…

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East Africa's Music Festivals

“…And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” Once said Nietzche. We are pretty sure that you admire music and…

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Next Tip For Party Monster Travellers!

If your hands are in the air clapping to the beat instead of holding a camera… If you put on your dancing shoes rather than trekking shoes… If your alarm goes off in the…

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